Our Promise



Actiswim & Co. wants to be a part of the movement. Our promise is to partner with different non-profit organizations to raise awareness on the environmental and social challenges our country is experiencing. 



Hi fellow person who wants to make a positive change, this is Actiswim & Co.'s founder. Let me start by thanking you for being here - learning about what our brand promises for our customers and for our community. During the pandemic, I met the grandchild of our house help. Her lola took on the responsibility of taking care of her after her mother passed away during childbirth. I felt empathy towards this child who was too young to understand or express the pain of losing a mother. I wanted to be there for her - sharing and showering her with whatever and however I can. On my free days, I would teach her to read and write. One memory stands out to me while I was combing her hair, she looked at me and said, "Ate, gusto kong maging parang ikaw paglaki ko." It was a reminder that there is still hope despite adversities. And that one can become an inspiration just by being himself, herself, or themselves. 

Ayoke is a small island in Surigao Del Sur, where there is still no electricity and locals rely on solar power. Access to education is also a challenge as the school offers classes up to Grade 6 only. Through our partnership with Operation Ayoke, we aim to help the community by supporting projects that focus on basic necessities distribution (medicines, books, solar lamps, etc.) and initiatives that will open opportunities for them in terms of education and livelihood. It is our goal to help the community have a fair chance at a better future. 

I would like to dedicate this initiative to you, little girl, and to the young ones who have big dreams but a re confronted by limited resources and are finding it difficult to start. We will help light the way. 

If you would like to directly support Operation Ayoke, you may send your donations here: 
Bank Name: Land Bank of the Philippines
Bank Account Name: Arfaith Miranda
Bank Account Number: 5797013597

or though their paypal account: arfaithmiranda@gmail.com

Previous Non-profit Partners



 Every piece in our collection is a salute to confidence and strength behind every woman. Every piece is diligently and proudly designed in the island of the Philippines, thoroughly tested and packed by environmentally sustainable materials.  

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